21 October 2009

see nothing in the light

I scraped my knees when I was praying
And found a demon in my safest haven, seems like
It's getting harder to believe in anything
Than just to get lost in all my selfish thoughts

I wanna know what it'd be like
To find perfection in my pride
To see nothing in the light
Or turn it off in all my spite
In all my spite i'll turn it off

And the worst part is
Before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall I will realize
I'm better off when I hit the bottom

The tragedy, it seems unending
I'm watching everyone I looked up to break and bending
We're taking shortcuts and false solutions
Just to come out the hero

Well I can see behind the curtain (I can see, yeah yeah)
The wheels are cranking, turning,
It's all wrong the way we're working
Towards a goal, that's nonexistent
It's nonexistent, but we just keep believing

Paramore - Turn It Off

17 October 2009

garbagism !

Entah ada angin apa, hari ini mendadak playlist saya di penuhi oleh lagu-lagu 'sampah' (in my category of course)
hell-low ! kemana perginya explosions in the sky? a slow in dance? Amiina?
ah entah kemana lagu-lagu itu..

total 12 jam saya mendengarkan sherina dan kawan-kawannya di playlist saya..
but tobe honest.. i enjoyed it :D

and here it goes..

Sherina Munaf - Cinta Pertama Dan Terakhir
beautiful lyrics.. beautiful voice.. neat n clean :p

Maliq & D'Essentials - Pilihanku

Maukah kau tuk menjadi pilihanku
Menjadi yang terakhir dalam hidupku
Maukah kau tuk menjadi yang pertama
Yang slalu ada di saat pagi ku membuka mata
lagu yang cocok bwt propose hahaha..

Soul ID - Ingin Dicinta
Dari dulu aku tahu aku lebih suka begini
Bukan boneka, bukan bunga,
Bukan hal-hal yang merah muda
aing pisan... ! huakakakakakanying :))

SHE - Jomblowati
oh geez.. kenapa sih judulnya harus bikin ilfil gitu.. padahal beatnya enak ni lagu. reminds me of lagu apa gitu ya.. sampe sekarang ttp msh stuck lom bisa inget.

Okky Lukman - Jangan Hanya Bicara
mayan :D

well.. akhirnya selesai juga
lil bit ashamed to publish this note but i think its ok lah once a while :D :D

13 October 2009

from whisper to rising howl !

You know time goes by fast like rain.
It swallows your every sound from whisper to rising howl.

Good luck trying to be someone
If you make it then you've won
You'll grow up to be someone

I can't go without you.
No, I need to have you.
Have you met someone?
Have touched the bottom?

The world is like you
Here times the charm
Like a dog it's breathing
They're just as lonely
And we all make mistakes once in a while

The world is like you
There times the charm
Like a dog it's breathing

And what's right beyond doubt
Things just didn't pan out
It's a movie set
It's a world constructed
I can't go without you
I know I got to have you
Have met someone?
Have you touched the bottom?

The world is like you
Three times the charm
Like a dog it's breathing
They're just as lonely
And we all make mistakes once in a while

They're just as lonely
And we all make mistakes once in a while

Mew - Hawaii

03 October 2009

bestfriend for myself

ga enak juga ya ngerasa sendirian kaya gini.
disaat semua orang sibuk dengan dunia nya masing-masing,
yang gw bisa lakukan cuma menyibukkan diri sendiri.
or maybe im just a loner?
or maybe i am my bestfriend?

Sigur Rós - hoppípolla

01 October 2009

fuckin fever

Sepertinya minggu ini saya sedang dicoba oleh tuhan.

pertama, kondisi fisik saya yang makin menurun pasca idul fitri. Flu datang mendera tanpa permisi. uhm well.. kalau dia datang with a permission mungkin badan saya ga akan separah ini ya sekarang :D
Batuk yang ga berenti-berenti.. ingus yang terus ngocor.. kepala nyut-nyutan.. and i cant stop wondering kenapa saya ga dilahirkan menjadi orang yang mempunyai daya tahan tubuh luar biasa :(

kedua, masalah kostan
kurang sadarnya masyarakat jakarta akan bahaya sampah menjadi topik hangat di hidup saya seminggu terakhir ini. bayangin aja, saluran air kamar mandi saya mendadak mampet, penyebabnya apalagi kalau bukan sampah. kapan ya orang-orang mulai sadar dan tidak menjadikan saluran pembuangan air sebagai alternatif untuk tempat membuang sampah?
akibatnya, ketika hujan deras mengguyur bekasi air got naik ke dalam kamar saya melalui saluran air di kamar mandi.
Geez.. bisa dibayangkan betapa messed up nya kamar saya pada waktu itu. Genangan lumpur hitam dimana-mana, kasur pun ikut basah.
walhasil selama 3 hari saya hanya tidur beralaskan selimut.. Poor me :(

ketiga, masalah kerjaan
mungkin gw bukan orang yang giat, tp gw selalu berusaha untuk tetap bertanggung jawab.
walaupun mungkin apa yang gw lakukan kecil dan ga ada harganya dimata kalian. but at least i try. Mungkin beberapa hari kebelakang gw ga bisa fokus ngurusin kios. tapi setidaknya gw masih menunjukan dedikasi gw walaupun ga banyak.
tapi andaikata itu memberatkan, mungkin gw akan mundur aja.
seperti ada nya gw yang males ribet, males menghitung-hitung waktu dan tenaga yang udah gw keluarkan.. males berkonflik dengan teman dekat, gw rasa ini adalah jalan terbaik.
we'll see lah apa yang akan jadi keputusan gw.

Loveandaffair - Sianida (interpretation the milo)

29 September 2009

this whole world inside my hands:)

tinggal sebulan lagi menuju pergerakan usia saya. Dan masalah klasik yang selalu menghantui kembali datang.

kapan nikah?
will i?

sampai sekarang pun saya masih belum bisa menemukan jawabannya.
mungkin ini bukan lagi masalah hati dan perasaan. Tapi ini adalah masalah jalan hidup yang saya pilih.
and now i have to eliminate my ego and start to think a
bout all the people aroud me, who love me unconditionally, who always be there when im restless, who always gave me all the best they can do.. orang-orang yang saya kasihi sepenuh hati.. my beloved family
walau saya yakin mereka selalu menginginkan yang terbaik untuk saya, tapi tak pernah sedetikpun saya berhenti berfikir untuk membahagiakan mereka.

mungkin ini sudah saatnya saya memilih, antara ego dan keluarga.
semoga ini jadi yang

You might fall
You might send
this whole world inside your hands
You might kill

You will fight
but in the end theres only us

Junkie XL - yesterdays

an old fascination is feeding my frustration

It's been 7 hours long
And your shadow still hangs on
You've been 2 weeks gone
And so tonight I followed you home

There are so many different ways of collecting all the strays
The ones that get away

Old fascinations
We crave new sensations
Old fascination is feeding my frustration
It's feeding my frustrations
And I haven't got the patience

These sheets are still warm
This bed is our only home
We make arrangements over the phone
Where has all the conversation gone?

And fascinations
And fascinations

La Roux - Fascination

Oh baby, your time is running out !

Been there done that messed around,

I'm having fun don't put me down
I'll never let you sweep me off my feet.
I won't let you in again,
The messages I've tried to send,

My information's just not going in.

Burning bridges shore to shore,
I'll break away from something more
I'm not to not to love
until it's cheap.
Been there done that messed around

I'm having fun don't put me down,
I'll never let you sweep me off my feet.

This time baby I'll be bulletproof,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof.

I won't let you turn around
And tell me now I'm much too proud
To walk away from something
when it's dead.
Do do do your dirty words

Come out to play when you are heard

There's certain things
that should be left unsaid.

Tick tick tick tick on the watch
And life's too short for me to stop
Oh baby, your time is running out.
I won't let you turn around
And tell me now I'm much too proud
All you do
is fill me up with doubt..

La Roux - Bulletproof

23 September 2009


One hand allows the other
So much and me

Born stubborn me
Will always be
Before you count
One two three
I will have grown my own private branch
Of this tree

You gardener
You discipliner
I can obey all of your rules
And still be, be

I never thought I would compromise
I never thought I would compromise
I never thought I would compromise

Let's unite tonight
We shouldn't fight
Embrace you tight
Let's unite tonight

I thrive best hermit style
With a beard and a pipe
And a parrot on each side
But now I can't do this without you

One hand allows the other
So much and me

22 August 2009

skeleton of trust

Who Is It

His embrace, a fortress
It fuels me And places
A skeleton of trust
Right beneath us
Bone by bone Stone by stone
If you ask yourself patiently and carefully

Who is it ?
Who is it that never lets you down ?
Who is it that gave you back your crown ?
And the ornaments are going around
Now they're handing it over
Handing it over

He demands a closeness
We all have earned a lightness
Carry my joy on the left
Carry my pain on the right

If you ask yourself patiently and carefully:
Who is it ?
Who is it that never lets you down ?
Who is it that gave you back your crown ?
And the ornaments are going around
Now they're handing it over
Handing it over

21 August 2009

today i start with..

1. Who Is It - Ben Paul (bjork cover)
the best bjork cover in my version after Kind Of Like Spitting

2. Dripping Whispers - The Soul's Release

3. We Can't Have It - The Dears

4. Unravel - Thom Yorke (bjork cover)
after sucha long time, i finally found something rational about radiohead :D

5. You, appearing - M83
Kapan kongser dimari ..?

6. Teen Angst - M83

7. Gobbledigook - Sigur Ros
my golden globe:)

8. Swimmer's Chant - Mew
one of their best:)

9. Phoenix - Love Like a Sunset

10. Tonight We Fly - The Divine Comedy
it's kinda my forever anthem :p

11. Dancing Behind My Eyelids - Mum

12. For All The Dreams That Wings Could Fly - The Milo
hehehe :D

13. Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap
seperti terdampar di tengah-tengah supir angkot K19a yang sibuk cari penumpang

14. In Between Days - Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly (The Cure Cover)
selalu manis :p

15 August 2009

well im here.. enuf said :p

its been ages since my last post.. :p
nothing much to say selain sedang bergelut dengan kegiatan dan usaha baru

apparently im not in a good mood today.
see u soon guys..
glad tobe back :)